Cody's Story
For Cody his path to Heartland Center for Behavioral Change began when he was 15 years old. Like a lot of teenagers he experimented with marijuana. This led to hallucinogens around age 18 and eventually Heroin and Methamphetamine when he was just 21 years old. With an addiction he couldn’t control Cody found himself in a “never-ending cycle of waking up, trying to find money, selling everything I owned, and buying heroin so I could get high.” At this point Cody had tried to quit once, and was sober for 5 months but he relapsed and his addiction led him right back into a dark and treacherous world we see far too often.
Homeless, unemployed, and without a vehicle, Cody was in desperate need of a change. That’s when he found himself in HCBC’s Medically-Monitored Inpatient Detox.
“I was scared, scared about getting clean.” Cody admits the road to recovery isn’t easy and he was afraid to get started. After a few days in detox Cody was admitted to CSTAR Outpatient treatment and began taking the Vivitrol shot, one of the Medication Treatment Services HCBC has to offer. Throughout his treatment he attended Group counseling and education along with individual counseling and community support services.
“Heartland gave me a new perspective. The program helped me to have an open mind and take a different look at life.”
Cody’s days now consist of working with a local artist group working with the homeless in recovery and housing assistance. But the work for Cody hasn’t stopped. With 11 months of sobriety Cody is faithful about attending meetings 3-4 times per week, meeting with his sponsor, working the steps, and helping others reach their goal of becoming and staying sober.
Cody has started training to be a peer support specialist so he can help others who struggle with addiction, and he hopes to one day be a case manager and substance abuse counselor.
Cody stated that being part of these programs has “Kept me sober, kept me moving forward. I am more confident in myself to take on day to day issues. I am driven, motivated, and just happy.”
We are here to continue to support you Cody